Pozible is an Australian-based rewards crowdfunding platform that was launched in May, 2010. They now have offices in China, Australia, USA and Singapore and have helped creators raise over AU $40 million in total pledges.


On September 30 2015, Pozible announced that they recently reached several milestones – including the launch of their 10,000th project happening within a week of hitting $40 million in pledges.

They released some interesting statistics to celebrate, compiled from their website, Google Analytics, Google Trends and the Pozible Facebook page. Here are some of the main findings:

1. The are approximately 497,204 total Pozible backers

2. 15% are repeat backers (over 80,000 have pledged more than once and more than 6,000 have pledged more than 5 times)

3. When asked, people’s top reason for pledging was: “I love supporting people and their stories”

4. One in three pledgers chose no reward

5. Not-for-profits raised almost twice as much as regular projects (the average project size on Pozible is $6,116 – $10,460 for not-for-profits)

“We’ve found crowdfunding in Australia is still more about giving than getting,” says project advisor Elliot Chapple, “Especially when there’s a really compelling story involved.”

6. The four largest categories on Pozible are: film, music, performance, art and community.

7. The fastest growing categories from 2014 – 2015 were: research (46%), video (40%) and community (67%)

Pozible notes that as government and grant funding becomes more elusive, those looking for funding for arts and research have been increasingly turning to the public for help.

8. Pozible has supporters from 150 countries

9. Pozible has a 57% success rate, and points out that success rates for Australian projects on Kickstarter (22%) and Indiegogo (9%) are much lower

10. Backers are about 46% female and 54% male

11. The largest age group of visitors on Pozible is 25-34 (18-24 and 34-44 come next and are about equal); the age group with the fewest visitors on the platform is 45-54

12. The average pledge is $81

13. The average length of a successful Pozible campaign is 42.5 days

14. The top reasons campaigns fail: “Not enough planning for promotional strategy.”

15. 3 minutes and 31 seconds is the average time spent on a project page


These statistics are useful not only in terms of the insights we can get from different crowdfunding platforms’ data, but also as to how culture and location can have an effect on how a platform is shaped.

More data is available in the 2015 crowdfunding industry report.

While it may be more difficult for a locally-focused Kickstarter campaign to be successful, for example, these types of campaigns seem to thrive on Pozible. It will be interesting to see how the platform continues to develop and serve the interest of the Australian crowdfunding community

For help promoting your Pozible campaign, check out this post or submit a press release.

the author

Krystine Therriault is the community manager for CrowdCrux and has helped creators with their crowdfunding projects on KickstarterForum.org. She loves learning about new trending projects and dissecting them to bring new tips and information to creators. You can find her on LinkedIn here or Twitter here.