Independent game studio gears to kick-start board game revolution

K-GAMING Ltd. (Tallinn, Estonia) an independent game studio has launched its Kickstarter campaign.

Game Master is the first of its kind adventure-filled tabletop experience evolved for the digital age. It is inhabited and created by the players themselves. It is a singular community driven experience unlike any other. Players take on both the role of brave Heroes and devious Masters battling it out against each other for Gold and Glory as the world around them evolves and grows.

«We have always wanted to play a certain type of games. Unfortunately, we haven’t found such entertainment among current offerings, so we would very much like to express our vision with our own product», – said Dennis Kostroman, CEO of K-Gaming.

According to the CEO, the idea to design a digital board game has been looming around for a number of years. Constant research into emerging as well as established games underlined that a true digital leap in board gaming was still ahead. The team is certain that with the recent success of tablet computer devices the demand for such a game is only going to increase in the near future.

«People are crucial to any project. Now, I believe we have a very talented, driven and determined team with a single goal – to make Game Master a true digital alternative to the best authentic tabletop games, with an integrated online community to boot » – added Mr. Kostroman.

One of the defining features of the upcoming Game Master Tabletop Multiverse is its aim to a genuine tabletop feel while using contemporary hardware. All actions in the game are resolved using traditional tabletop methods, e.g. rolling dices, moving figures, playing cards and solving puzzles.

More information is expected to be released following the official Kickstarter campaign launch.

Stay tuned and check Game Master website: