Pinnacle Entertainment Group, creators of the award-winning tabletop roleplaying game Savage Worlds, launched a Kickstarter project for The Last Parsec Tuesday. You can find the Kickstarter page in the link here.

The Last Parsec is a space exploration setting using the Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion. A free 12-page document (The Last Parsec Primer) detailing the setting rules and background information on playing characters in The Last Parsec is available at .

The Kickstarter for The Last Parsec offers print and PDF access to three setting books, a Game Master Screen with an adventure, 9 miniatures, 2 double-sided ship maps, Bennies (poker chips), and a double deck of playing cards. Stretch goals include a soundtrack by Harry Mack, Wild Dice, archetypes, more adventures, printable paper miniatures, a JumpCorp Requisition Kit with forms, ID cards, and death certificates, and finally the potential to unlock additional miniatures.

Pinnacle President Shane Hensley discussed some of the inspiration behind The Last Parsec in the first of several Design Diary releases, located in this link. Here is a snippet from that document:

Imagine the awe and wonder of discovering an intelligent being. Or even some wild and terrifying animal. And that’s what The Last Parsec is all about. It’s not hard science fiction or military science fiction or even space opera. It’s exploration science fiction where an explorer and her companions can be the first to step into the boundless void and discover things beyond our wildest dreams. It’s a setting where you can play alien races humanity has already encountered and experience the awe and wonder of the possible.

The sheer size of The Last Parsec also means that we wanted it to be something like a “sandbox”—or more appropriately, a “starbox”—game where Game Masters can make their own worlds, armies, societies, monsters, races, and adventures.

Savage Worlds was created by Shane Lacy Hensley. Savage Worlds, as well as The Last Parsec and the Pinnacle logo are all trademarks of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. For more information, visit or contact Jodi Black, Marketing Manager for Pinnacle, at

the author

Jodi is Marketing Manager for Pinnacle Entertainment Group, a tabletop roleplaying game company in business since 1994. Pinnacle is most known for the popular Deadlands setting and award-winning Savage Worlds game system. Jodi has been a freelance editor in the game industry for more than 7 years, gaining ENnie Award nods herself with Pinnacle and other game companies.