Always been a big traveler? Love seeing and exploring historical sites? Want to give tribute to those historical sites, cities, and local sayings, in the form of ART?

Well “Localism Prints,” (Kickstarter’s new Print Campaign that just recently launched with currently 27 days left to go) allows you to do so.

“This poster series celebrates the localisms of various cities, in a fun, humorous, yet beautiful typographic way,” says @wiredtocreate

This innovative Kickstarter campaign has been created by Steve Ciccarelli, a Philadelphia Graphic Designer, He stated, “I hope others see what a trend setting idea and project this can truly be. I am sure that all backers will be extremely pleased with the professional prints which are one part of their rewards.”

Supporters are invited to make contributions ranging from $1.00 to $500.00, all of which have significant rewards.

Steve is currently in contact with local traveling magazines and blogs to help promote and support his project, such as, PhillyMag, Huffington Post, and We Blog the World.

For the inside scoop, check out Localism Prints for yourself!

And follow Steve on Twitter @wiredtocreate

For more specific info (pulled from his Kickstarter page) :

This poster series celebrates the localisms of various cities, in a fun, humorous, yet beautiful typographic way. Each print will be professionally printed on Coronado SST paper with high-quality dye-based ink so that each phrase jumps off the page! I strongly believe that if we work together in creating these prints, this series can really turn into something great, and could even start the next trend!

Whether you:

live in the city that you are funding and want to give tribute to your “ole stomping ground”
have visited these cities and can’t wait to go back
find these prints very informative, and maybe just maybe, they act as preparation for an upcoming trip

Either way, these Localism Prints are…Wicked Good!
(see what I did there)

The creativity behind this project is you as the backer have various options. You can choose from one of the prints that are already designed, or you can help create your own custom print. If you desire a custom print, you simply choose the appropriate pledge level, then just send me a message of which city you would like created, along with your phrases, sayings, names, and/or historical sites, or ANYTHING that you would like on the poster! Be as specific as you wish, or you can submit a couple suggestions of phrases that you would like included, and I will do the rest. Be original, be spontaneous, have fun with it! To fill the whole poster just submit 6-8 phrases/sentences that you come up with. This allows the print to truly be one of your own! You are also able to choose ANY color, and ANY amount of colors that you wish. (ex. black background with white font, and this sentence red, with this phrase blue, it’s all up to you.) You can also choose if you would like the text on an angle.

If you wish to have a premade print design, just simply select the appropriate pledge amount, and then inform me which one you want. I am starting off with a select amount of cities and will provide more on a daily basis to have a wide selection.

Another cool part is as soon as you select a custom print, it will get designed, then put up on this Kickstarter page with your name under it, to give kudos to your creativity. People will then be able to choose from your print that you helped create!

Creating a Custom Print = more Premade Prints = A wider selection of Premade Prints to choose from!

I will also continuously update the page to show the top ten most popular prints.

(if you wish for your name not to be under your print, that is fine too).

I would love for this to start a chain reaction of people choosing both Custom and Premade Localism Prints so we can have Hundreds of different prints to see and choose from. With your help, that would be so greatly appreciated, I know we can make this happen! Please take a look at the various pledge levels to see the many ways I will show my gratitude. Each and every print will be handled with the utmost professionalism.