Into The Dark is a multimedia performance about diving into the unknown, into the places where chance meets fear and rescue. Within this intimate and complex journey, we confront the delicate human reality of the ways we take risk and the trust, conflict and hope that arise to navigate the journey. Through collaborations within dance, scenic design, music, lighting and costuming, an adventure has been built that examines what occurs when one surrenders certainties to a reimagined world of darkness.

From improvisation, experimentation, discussion, writing, and a lot of time spent together, the company has pushed beyond their physical limitations to uncover something sacred: to craft an experience that reflects an honest dialogue about what it means and feels to be left in the dark.

In building their first evening length work, Into The Dark, Artistic Director Bryn Cohn feels that this is precious and ambitious milestone for the company. “I am in awe of the artists that surround me: their immeasurable talents and unwavering commitment to charge this work with the purest forms of themselves.” Cohn said, “the experience of making my first evening has mirrored the piece itself. There is a sense of fear, excitement and uncertainty as to how this will all evolve and form.”

In order to actualize this inspiring evening and solidify their artistic presence as a potent force for many years to come they ask for your help and support, they aim to raise $8,000 in 30 days.

Their campaign features their dance film which is based on the live show. The Kickstarter will be able to fund all the collaborators of the process; the dancers, the composer and set builders, the venue, the lighting, costume design, rehearsal space, operations, marketing, and touring.

For all the unique rewards offered in this fundraising campaign please visit the site:

Into The Dark will premiere on June 14th at 8pm and June 15th at 7pm at the Center for Performance Research (CPR). Tickets available at


Special Thanks To:
Pentacle, Doug Post, :pushing progress, Mike Esperanza, Lara Nixon, Michelle Friend, Jessica Malat, Arnold Schwartz, Joan Fisher, Joel Davidman, Cheryl Cohn, Bahareh Ebrahemzadeh

This work was made possible through the Emerging Artists Residency with The Field.
Kickstarter Video Filmed and Edited by Victoria Sendra
Music in Film Composed by Bita Sharif

* Your tax deductible donation will go towards all expenses that this production incurs from employing this brilliant team of artists to rehearsal space, venue costs, operations and all marketing efforts to ensure people can experience this unique performance we are making.