My name is Bailey Martin, and I will be a freshman at the Georgia Institute of Technology starting fall 2016. I am in need of a new laptop as a result. I am trying to raise $500 towards the laptop.

The laptop I need has to be able to perform Computer Assisted Design (CAD). To run CAD a laptop requires a high-end graphics card, large RAM capacity, and a solid processor. My laptop of choice is a Lenovo P70 Workstation. This laptop costs $2,500! I am only asking for $500 to help me attain the ability to buy the laptop.

I have received some money in graduation gifts but not near enough to cover the whole laptop. If I do not receive the funds to cover the entire laptop before the beginning of July, I will not be able to meet the technology requirements for my major (Mechanical Engineering).

Any help anyone is willing to give will be much appreciated. Thank you in advance!
