In January of 2015 the Einsteinium foundation, a cryptocurrency (CC) organization, conducted a crowdfunding (CF) campaign to benefit a research scientist:, during that successful campaign organizers were unable to convince Indiegogo to enable CC to be donated directly to the campaign via the site so organizers created their own system to enable people who wanted to donate CC to be able to do so. In addition to donations, many CC developers, foundations, and communities also participated as campaign sponsors in different ways. It was from those experiences the idea of PICISI (pronounced ‘pick-easi’) was birthed.

PICISI is designed to be a site where philanthropists, investors, and charities go to support inventions, startups, and ideas — P.I.C.I.S.I. As a CF site, PICISI will accept all significant currency types including USD, GBP, CAD, BTC, EMC2, HYPER, etc … the site will be a positive way to learn about, receive, and use cryptocurrency.

Site launch prerequisites demand achievement of 7 goals:
1) recruit a min. of 6 admins, they now have 2 (Exec Dir, and Asst, Dir);
2) secure a min of 20 sponsors, they now have 23 — goal achieved & surpassed;
3) secure a min of 8 campaigns to crowdfund, they now have 3;
4) recruit a min of 1 referral agent, they now have 1 — goal achieved;
5) associate with a min of 2 promotion contractors, they now have 15 — goal achieved & surpassed;
6) associate with a min of 1 campaign contractor, they now have 12 — goal achieved & surpassed and;
7) publish a min of 5 articles, they now have 19 — goal achieved & surpassed.

Regardless of how good an idea is, it is only an idea until it is put into productive action. PICISI’s Executive Director is looking for energetic professionals for the following positions: Deputy Director, Content Director, Promotion Director, and Communications Director.

Deputy Director – second in command, is in charge when the Executive Director is unavailable or when so directed by the Executive Director. Ideally this person would be a great compliment to the Executive Director, s/he would provide a healthy contrast on issues and opinions. Perhaps more focused on day-to-day micro issues as the Exec Dir focuses on day-to-day macro issues. Someone with a healthy understanding of all of the following: CF, CC, charity, social networking, and business law is ideal.

Content Director – responsible for everything visible on the site, the primary focus is campaigns; campaigns are the heart of the site his/her job is to produce large volumes of high quality campaigns. The secondary focus is securing sponsorships.

Promotion Director – responsible for promoting the site to sponsors, organizers, members, donors, and media to generate business. Responsible for instructing and monitoring the Promotion Contractors and Campaign Contractors. This person is a trainer as well as a hard-sales person. This person must be knowledgeable, personable, and patient, yet know when and how to close a deal.

Communications Director – is responsible for the PICISI message, s/he is the face and voice of PICISI, his/her top priority is having our site make news all day, everyday somewhere around the world: via press release, article, and/or interview (TV, radio, video).

To apply for any position and or to help build the PICISI community contact them at or via:

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