Stock Market Simulation Game seeks funding through Kickstarter

Fantasy Trader wil change the way you think about match day as you invest in your favorite teams and player and watch the real time scores affect your investment. You can be a part of the biggest game this season and compete in the Fantasy Trader Rich List and Super Cup.

The app is loaded with virtual coins for you to start buying your virtual shares – you can simply play it safe and buy shares in league leaders, or take a punt on bigger risks for larger returns. You take control and pick teams and players or friends you want to invest in, and watch your investment rise and fall as match day scores comes in or based on demand and supply of your shares. Exactly like the real stock market.

It’s all about outperforming other fans, and making yourself the fattest of fat-cat investors, ultimately increasing your wealth and kudos amongst your footy friends.

Be a part of the biggest game this season with Fantasy Trader.


Fantasy Trader is an upcoming game blending the Fantasy RPG, Trading and Tycoons genres. Players will be able to explore, take on goals, buy and sell commodities and businesses, and build a trading empire from the profits. Imagine Second-Life, Mafia Wars, with a much larger role-playing element, and you can get something of the feel!

Here are some of the planned features for Fantasy Trader:

* Classic MMORPG, including character classes, building your own empire, achievements, short term and long term goals

* Multiple exchanges where player can speculate their stocks

* Economic system based on supply and demand

What is an Stock Exchange?
Think of Stock Exchange as a place that allows people to buy and sell things. In the case of stock market, an exchange allows you to buy and sell securities. Securities, more commonly known as stocks and bonds, are traded every day, all over the world with the goal of making money. In this case, its stocks and bonds in Brad Pitt and even yourself rather than precious metals or Chinese currency.

What are Fantasy Dollars?
Fantasy Dollars are the official currency of the Fantasy Trader. When you join the Fantasy Stock Exchange, you are given Fantasy dollars to trade in the stock exchange. Your job is to use the money to the best of the best of your abilities on the Exchange and profit from it. There can be hundreds of traders on FT that have taken their initial stake and turned them into a billion Fantasy Dollars! If you play your dollars wisely, you too can become the next guru.

What factors make the stock prices go up or down?
* Market Forces: As stocks are bought and sold, the stock price will react accordingly. For example, if a number of people are buying shares in a celebrity, their stock will go up. The same holds true for people selling shares.
* Market Maker: An algorithmic bot that quotes both a buy and sell price held in inventory, hoping to match trades between users.